I would like to book an appointment for…
Preferred form of contact:
I need help with (check all that apply):
How would you prefer to meet?
Preferred Library Location:

Richland Library provides assistance on the computer as a courtesy. Staff may or may not have the expertise to assist with all computer needs. Staff do not provide hardware support.

Please provide as much detail as possible when making an appointment.

I am requesting instruction for:
I need help with:
I need help with:
Which technology are you interested in learning more about?
Which Microsoft Office software are you interested in learning about?
Which social media platform are you interested in learning more about?
Which tablet or smartphone are you interested in learning more about?
Personalized group instruction sessions are capped at 10 people.
We want to learn:
eReady instruction includes learning how to access and download eBooks or other Richland Library downloadable or streaming media.
I want to learn more about:
I need help with:
Preferred Library Location:
What is the general age group of the participants?
Do your students have library cards?
How would you prefer this workshop to be taught?
Are you planning for your students to also have time to work on their projects or tour the library?
Choose your topic:

The library's Entrepreneur-in-Residence supports, mentors, and educates new entrepreneurs and budding start-ups. Connect with a peer who successfully designed, launched and run a new business venture.

To book a small business coaching appointment with Richland Library’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence click here.

Preferred appointment type
Preferred appointment times (click all that apply)